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Category Archives: Blog

real estate market in Abu Dhabi

Real Estate Market Trends in Abu Dhabi 2024

22 February 2024
Discover the prominent trends dominating the upcoming phase in the real estate market in Abu Dhabi, and thereby, ex ...
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Golden Residency in the UAE

Conditions for Granting Golden Residency in ...

22 February 2024
The Golden Residency in the United Arab Emirates can be obtained according to specific conditions and criteria set ...
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Buying Property in Abu Dhabi

Does Buying Property in Abu Dhabi Grant Resi...

22 February 2024
Does buying property in Abu Dhabi grant residency? Thes is one of the questions that occupy the minds of foreign in ...
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Property Ownership Transfer in Abu Dhabi

Property Ownership Transfer Procedures in Ab...

13 February 2024
Property ownership transfer in Abu Dhabi is conducted electronically through the Abu Dhabi Distribution website or ...
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Foreign Ownership of Properties in Abu Dhabi

Foreign Ownership of Properties in Abu Dhabi

26 December 2023
Foreign Ownership of Properties in Abu Dhabi
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Residence Visas in Abu Dhabi

Types of Residence Visas in Abu Dhabi

24 December 2023
There are several types of residence visas in Abu Dhabi that allow expatriates to live, work, and invest in the emi ...
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Cost of Living in the UAE

Advantages and Cost of Living in the UAE

24 December 2023
Let's explore the benefits and expenses of living in the UAE overall, specifically delving into the individual cost ...
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Property Taxes in Abu Dhabi

Property Taxes in Abu Dhabi

21 December 2023
Within this article, we'll delve into the specifics of property taxes in Abu Dhabi, along with the groups that bene ...
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